Rage Cage Fun Cage
Specifically designed for primary and secondary schools this one has heaps of room for a whole classful of active kids.
The Fun Cage is more openplan with large entry / exit points for students. Offering unlimited options for Physical Education lessons. The Fun Cage can be used with multiple smaller groups at each sports station, or an entire class can join in large scale games over the generous playing area. There are multiples of all the popular sports exquipment so no one will miss out at lunchtime either.
11+ Sports
Included in the Fun Cage are 11 of our popular sports, such as Soccer • Hockey • Lacrosse • Netball • Basketball • Cricket • Tennis (rebound) • Handball • Bouldering • Accuracy throw • and various Roller sports.
At a glance
A 27 x 18 metre unit consisting of 2 x Goals (soccer / hockey / lacrosse) • 2 x Netball rings • 4 x Basketball hoop / backboards • 4 x Tennis rebound walls • 4 x Cricket stumps • Climbing wall • 4 x Accuracy target walls • 4 x Benches.
All Rage Cage standard models include Australian Sports Standard size netball rings and line markings. Suitable for all ages and sporting abilities, netball is the most popular women's team participation sport in Australia.